Bear Valley Elementary "Sharing." More photos of this mural in progress here.
Bear Valley Elementary's winter mural is all about teamwork. For more photos click here.
Sharrod and Sutton each had a "Story" theme for their murals. More photos from Sutton's project in progress can be found here.
More photos from Sherrod can be found here.
Meers Middle School art students worked with me to design quilt squares and make tesselations to create a faux fabric mural for the sides of the stage at their school. Many more pictures of this project can be seen here.
Bear Valley students learned about quilts, tesselations and fabric design while making this large bear mural.
Kasuun Elementary students made this collaborative mural which has a hidden poem and a larger hidden phrase. Can you find them both? More photos of the process can be seen here.

Creekside Park Elementary was my first artist residency in 2008. They chose the theme of Bodies in Motion and I designed this mural for a hallway leading out to their playground. The kids worked with me for two weeks to complete the project. Look for all of the fun details they added!

Scenic Park Elementary had a Japanese and Friendship theme. More photos of this project are here.

At the Unalakleet School I helped students make this collaborative map of the community. For more photos click here.
These three canvass mosaic map murals were made in classes I taught in St Michael's School. Students made images of their community at three scales: walkable, driveable (snowmachine or boat) and flyable (the whole Bering Straits School District. More photos from this project are here.
At Copper Center Elementary School I helped students learn to blend colors, create landscape paintings and make self-portraits to be used in this "Seek" themed wall mural. For more photos, you can look here.
In Savoonga I helped students prepare for their masquerade ball and build a collaborative mural of their island. I facilitated team building exercises with the teachers too. To see more pictures of the whole residency, including the murals I painted in their cafeteria, click here.